Institut Pariwisata dan Bisnis Internasional

Jalan Kecak, No. 12, Gatot Subroto Timur - Bali


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Congratulations Ibu Dr. Denok Lestari, SS., M.Hum and Team Have Successfully Passed The 2023 KEDAIREKA Program

Congratulations to Ibu Dr. Denok Lestari, S.S., M.Hum and her team for their accomplishment in qualifying for the 2023 Kedaireka Program. Ms. Denok and her team w...

Congratulations Bapak Dr. I Made Darsana S.E., MM and Team Have Successfully Passed The 2023 KEDAIREKA Program

Congratulations to Bapak Dr. I Made Darsana, S.E., M.M and his team for their accomplishment in qualifying for the 2023 Kedaireka Program. Mr. Darsana and his tea...


PENDAFTARAN WIRAUSAHA MERDEKA SUDAH DIBUKA!  Kabar baik untuk calon wirausaha muda yang ingin mengikuti program Wirausaha Merdeka Angkatan ke-2, kini telah d...

Dukung Teruna Aang Mahasiswa IPB Internasional, Sebagai Teruna Teruni Denpasar Favorit 2023

Halo semuanyaa! Mari kita berikan dukungan kepada Komang Aang Angkus Prana yang merupakan mahasiswa program studi Diploma IV Manajemen Perhotelan dalam ajang Pemi...

Komang Aang Angkus Prana, a student of Diploma IV in Hospitality Management, Stood Out as the Winner of the Best Catwalk award at the Teruna Teruni Denpasar 2023 Fashion Show.

The Fashion Show was part of the Denpasar Teruna Teruni Selection 2023 event series. During this occasion, Komang Aang Angkus Prana, representing IPB Internasional C...

National University of Singapore Students Visited IPB Internasional

  IPB Internasional Campus was honored to host a visit from students of the prestigious National University of Singapore (NUS) on Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Th...

Seminar & Launching of Bali Film School, Featuring Hai Puja

Bali Film School, the newest unit of IPB Internasional, celebrated its official launch on May 16, 2023, becoming the go-to film school for students passionate about...

Bringing a Unique Experience, IPB Internasional & Sekolah Perhotelan Bali’s Open House Presented Korean Day with the Theme

Diving into the enchanting world of Korean culture, IPB International and Sekolah Perhotelan Bali hosted the highly anticipated 2023 Open House with theme of Kor...

Dukung Jegeg Helen Mahasiswi IPB Internasional, Sebagai Jegeg Bagus Badung Favorit 2023

Halo semuanyaa!  Mari kita berikan dukungan kepada Ni Luh Helen Susani yang merupakan mahasiswi program studi Diploma IV Manajemen Pariwisata dalam ajang Pem...

MoU & MoA Signing Between The Bachelor's Degree Program in Entrepreneurship of IPB Internasional and Various Stakeholders

In order to foster extensive collaborations with institutions and industries, IPB Internasional's Bachelor's Degree Program in Entrepreneurship successfully...